Tuesday, October 2, 2018

How to Recover Permanently Delete Files From Google Drive

We make a mistake in hurrying any work. Likewise, by deleting any information, we accidentally delete the required information. That’s why we are going learn how to recover Google drive deleting file.

Here are some tips to help you find missing files in Google Drive. Select the situation that matches yours the best.

How to Recover Permanently Delete Files From Google Drive

Restore From Your Trash
If you deleted something recently using Google Drive or the Google Drive desktop app, you might be able to restore the file yourself.
  1. On a computer, go to drive.google.com/drive/trash.
  2. Right-click the file you'd like to recover.
  3. Click Restore.
You can't find something & you don't think you deleted it.

Try these steps:

Check the activity panel
  1. On a computer, go to drive.google.com.
  2. On the left, click My Drive.
  3. At the top right, click Info.
  4. Scroll down and look for your file.
Try an advanced search
  1. Using a computer, go to the search bar and click the Down arrow.
  2. Use the advanced search options to find your file, like "type:spreadsheets."
If the steps above didn't help, consider these special cases:

If someone else created the file
When someone creates a file, they can delete, rename, and restore it. Contact the person who created the file and ask them to restore it or share it with you again.

If it was in a folder someone else created
If someone deleted that folder, you won't see that folder in your Drive anymore. To find the file:
  1. Try this advanced search to see a list of files you created that are in deleted folders: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/search?q=is:unorganized%20owner:me.
  2. Try this broader advanced search to see a list of all files that are in deleted folders: https://drive.google.com/drive/search?q=is:unorganized.
To make that file easier to find in the future, drag it into a folder in "My Drive."


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